Anybody ever want to learn the Greek alphabet? This post will be all about that. It is in order from first to last. The one on the left is uppercase, the one on the right is lowercase. Here we go!
Αα - This is Alpha (AL-fuh). It represents 'A'.
Ββ - This is Beta (BAY-tuh). It represents 'B'.
Γγ - This is Gamma (GAHH-muh). It represents 'G', but only the 'guh' sound, not 'juh'. On the lowercase, make the bottom line small, leaving the upper area big.
Δδ - This is Delta (DEL-tuh). It represents 'D'.
Εε - This is Epsilon (EPP-si-lonn). It represents 'E'.
Ζζ - This is Zeta (ZAY-tuh). It represents 'Z'.
Ηη - This is Eta (AYY-tuh). It represents 'H'. It CANNOT be put into 'PH' or 'TH'. Or hard 'CH'.
Θθ - This is Theta (THAY-tuh). It represents 'TH'. The uppercase can be written like pictured, with the line not touching the circle, or like the lowercase. I like to write it like the lowercase.
Ιι - This is Iota (AYE-OH-tuh). It represents 'I'.
Κκ - This is Kappa (CAP-puh). It represents 'K' or 'C', but only when pronounced like a 'K'.
Λλ - This is Lambda (LAMB-duh). It represents 'L'.
Μμ - This is Mu (MOO). It represents 'M'.
Νν - This is Nu (NOO). It represents 'N'.
Ξξ - This is Xi (XIE). It represents 'X'.
Οο - This is Omicron 'OH-mih-cron). It represents 'O'.
Ππ - This is Pi (PIE). It represents 'P'. (Or 3.141592653589793238462643382795...)
Ρρ - This is Rho (ROH). It represents 'R'.
Σσς - This is Sigma (SIG-muh). It represents 'S' or 'C', but only when it sounds like 'S'. There are two forms of lowercase Sigma: the one on the right is only used at the end of a word.
Ττ - This is Tau (TAU). It represents 'T'.
Υυ - This is Upsilon (YOOP-sill-on). It represents 'U', or, if you put an acute accent above it, 'Y'.
Φφ - This is Phi (FIE). It represents 'PH' or 'F'.
Χχ - This is Chi (CHIE). It represents hard 'CH'.
Ψψ - This is Psi (PSIE). It represents 'PS'.
Ωω - This is Omega (OH-MEH-guh). It represents 'O' along with Omicron, though Omega is used for a very stressed 'O'.
That is all. Really. Once I find out how to get all of the Cyrillic characters, I'll make a guide to that, too.
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