
An Update (for Once)

Yes, I'm still alive. Still very much alive. Quite alive.

Fey's still alive, too, but she seems to have injured herself. Her back is abnormally bent, and her tail sags when she tries to swim. She can still manage to move around and whatnot, but it seems painful. I think it will go away on its own, though, as it only showed up a few days ago.

Well, I have no more to say...um, type. I now leave you with this guy...

RAWK \m/(-.-)\m/

~You know who I am...ugh, fine...



Bloggers' Block

I can't think of something to post, but I'm going to post anyway.




Greek Alphabet

Anybody ever want to learn the Greek alphabet? This post will be all about that. It is in order from first to last. The one on the left is uppercase, the one on the right is lowercase. Here we go!

Αα - This is Alpha (AL-fuh). It represents 'A'.

Ββ - This is Beta (BAY-tuh). It represents 'B'.

Γγ - This is Gamma (GAHH-muh). It represents 'G', but only the 'guh' sound, not 'juh'. On the lowercase, make the bottom line small, leaving the upper area big.

Δδ - This is Delta (DEL-tuh). It represents 'D'.

Εε - This is Epsilon (EPP-si-lonn). It represents 'E'.

Ζζ - This is Zeta (ZAY-tuh). It represents 'Z'.

Ηη - This is Eta (AYY-tuh). It represents 'H'. It CANNOT be put into 'PH' or 'TH'. Or hard 'CH'.

Θθ - This is Theta (THAY-tuh). It represents 'TH'. The uppercase can be written like pictured, with the line not touching the circle, or like the lowercase. I like to write it like the lowercase.

Ιι - This is Iota (AYE-OH-tuh). It represents 'I'.

Κκ - This is Kappa (CAP-puh). It represents 'K' or 'C', but only when pronounced like a 'K'.

Λλ - This is Lambda (LAMB-duh). It represents 'L'.

Μμ - This is Mu (MOO). It represents 'M'.

Νν - This is Nu (NOO). It represents 'N'.

Ξξ - This is Xi (XIE). It represents 'X'.

Οο - This is Omicron 'OH-mih-cron). It represents 'O'.

Ππ - This is Pi (PIE). It represents 'P'. (Or

Ρρ - This is Rho (ROH). It represents 'R'.

Σσς - This is Sigma (SIG-muh). It represents 'S' or 'C', but only when it sounds like 'S'. There are two forms of lowercase Sigma: the one on the right is only used at the end of a word.

Ττ - This is Tau (TAU). It represents 'T'.

Υυ - This is Upsilon (YOOP-sill-on). It represents 'U', or, if you put an acute accent above it, 'Y'.

Φφ - This is Phi (FIE). It represents 'PH' or 'F'.

Χχ - This is Chi (CHIE). It represents hard 'CH'.

Ψψ - This is Psi (PSIE). It represents 'PS'.

Ωω - This is Omega (OH-MEH-guh). It represents 'O' along with Omicron, though Omega is used for a very stressed 'O'.

That is all. Really. Once I find out how to get all of the Cyrillic characters, I'll make a guide to that, too.




I got a new fish today! Her name is Fey, she is a Betta, and she is off-white with red fins!



Poetry on the Spot 1

The Rock

Forming over time
Out of silicon-based substances
It represents life
In that the tiniest touch will change it forever
And it may never be able to go back
To the way it was.

Also, a new type of update--Fun (or not) Facts--can be added.



Types of Updates

Now that I'd really like to keep this blog active, I'm going to class my updates into types, which will be sorted by tags. The current types are:
Breaking News (important updates and blog updates)
Poetry on the Spot
Review (game, movie, whatever)
Maintaining Activity (in case I don't post for a month or so)
Spam (like Maintaining Activity, but unnecessary and fun)
Update in Life (standard blog crap about my life that doesn't involve complaining)
Rant (standard blog crap about my life that DOES involve complaining)

And more could come, but I can't think of any.
And, that concludes this post.



School's Out!

No more school (for a few months)! More time to update this blog! Yay!




You may have noticed that I haven't posted or updated in a long time. Two more polls have been added for your entertainment, and several things may be posted later.



Forgot to mention...

Since my rant post, people have set off the fire alarm using the microwave. Twice.




Yes, I AM alive

Just in case you were wondering if I still existed. You probably weren't, of course, but oh well.



The Bats

It's when you can't hear the bats, that's when the bats are coming.



Oh dear...

Haven't updated in a while. Might as well talk now.
We went skiing towards the end of February. It was pretty fun, though we had to drive 3 hours forth and back in one day to get to one of the places.
Oh, and happy birthday Dad and Ayisha!
...Not sure what else I can say right now, so I suppose that's all.



It's Friday the 13th and I found a quarter.



(yes there will be many more pointless posts like this)


...Now that I got that out of my system...*pant*...
The fire alarm just went off at my school. For the fourth time this year. And it happened about 4 times last year, too. Why? Well, people have accidentally pulled it twice this year, leading me to believe that we need plastic cases over the alarms. But the main reason is that people tend to burn things in the microwave.

Not kidding.

Popcorn has been the main cause, but noodles have done it, too. They need a 2-minute limit on the 'wave. Why?

Because I'm tired of running outside in the freezing cold.

Now that I finished the rant, I realized that I completely forgot to explain the blog's name. It's my main planet in the game Spore, which was named after a receptionist in an RPG my friend and I made.

And finally, I have nothing more to say. Go away.


Unless you have a comment to post. In which case, do so before fleeing.




Yo. This is my blog. Well, it was a blog when I last checked. This message is being typed from the floor, and as you can imagine, I am not very comfortable right now. The blog will actually get real posts when something interesting happens in my life. And who knows when the heck that could be...
